
A Lifestyle and Design Blog: Designing My Best Life

Welcome to the New Year and to my new blog! Since we’ve made it through the first month of 2020, I thought I’d celebrate with achieving one of my goals. Here’s to the launch of EA Letto, a new lifestyle and design blog!

Past Blogs

Since 2009, I’ve been posting content on my blog Let’s Meet Emily. Being a bit of a perfectionist, my previous blog suffered my practice of “cleaning out” posts I thought weren’t “good enough”. I’m sure others have encountered this problem and can totally relate. If you visit my old site, you will see remnants of a much younger me who was just figuring out blogging. While not perfect, I felt it was important to keep that blog visible. For me, it is a reminder to embrace being a work-in-progress and to put an end to delete binges.

Lifestyle and Design

EA Letto has been something I’ve had in mind for a few years. The idea of getting back into blogging came to me heavily when I was pursuing my Master’s degree over the past two years. I found myself longing to have a creative outlet while also trying to figure out how to use my degree towards something I’m passionate about. Lifestyle and design has been a thread woven in and out of my life for sometime. It is my goal to share my love for and understanding of these particular aspects which connect all of our lives.

EA Letto Going Forward

As a lifestyle and design blog, I envision EA Letto to be a continuous project that adapts and changes with me for years to come. Now in my mid-twenties, I’m working to make some of my life long dreams and goals come true. This blog will be a place for me to discuss that journey, create content, and reach those goals. I’m excited to bring others along with me through the content I will be developing and sharing here on EA Letto.

Be sure to check out my other social media for updates! Comment below with your aspiration for 2020.

Thanks for reading! See you soon!